Monday, January 08, 2007

Day 55

My Little Bit of OCD
Originally uploaded by Deborah Harroun.
I have found the cure when I am feeling uncreative - The World Through My Eyes scavenger hunt on flickr!! This is my first time attempting it, but who would've known to take pictures of towels!!

I am a believer that everyone has some sort of quirk - a little bit of OCD. This is one of mine. I HAVE to have the towels folded a certain way. It's the way my mom folded them, and the only way I know. If someone else folds my towels and folds them differently, I will go back and change them all! (I am also particular about the direction the toilet paper is on the wall - I will even change it at a stranger's house if it's not on the right way!!)

1 comment:

fotokat said...

Hey Deborah - Just wanted to offer my support and tell you I think you are on the right track to becoming a better photographer. The more photos you take = the more bored you'll get = the more you'll be forced to get creative or die of boredom! Taking tons of photos (and sharing them) is the single best way to become a better photographer that I know of. You can learn all the technical stuff you want, but if you don't "see" - then, well, what kind of photographer are you? Learn to see and the rest will follow!